Selling & Marketing


Brand management and development has traditionally been regarded as the responsibility of the organization – they design. A revolution is taking place in the way companies organize and manage the ‘front-end’ of their organization.

Where it meets its customers. This has many implications for the design of the sales organization and its management strategy.

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In this digital age, development occurs beyond the limits of the organization so that, in many ways, brands are effectively co-created by consumers. Rather than lead, manage and control, contemporary managers have taken on the new tasks of listening, connecting, and participating in brand development.

Traditionally, the area of sales management has mainly been treated as a tactical, operational topic in conventional marketing literature – simply part of the communications mix within the planned marketing program. However, the emergence of major customers as dominant buyers in many sectors as a result of pressures towards consolidation and enhanced scale of operations is changing the way in which sales issues are addressed in supplier organizations.


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